Mastery Courses
Fixed orthodontics
Dental Implantology Course
Basic Oral Surgery Clinical Course
Rotary Endodontics Course
Cosmetic Dentistry Course
Dental Lab Technician Course
Laser Dentistry Course
Crown and Bridge Course
Facial Aesthetics Course
Periodontics Clinical Course
Orthodontist Assistant Course
Basic Oral Surgery Course
Duration – 5 days,
Local anesthesia:
Technique and pitfall
Methods of LA administration (demonstration and hands on in phantom head)
Nerve block and infiltration
Painless local anesthesia injections
Introduction to computer controlled local anesthesia
Extra oral nerve blocks
Radiographic readings
Detailed discussion on IOPA
PA mandible
Sterilization and infection control
How to select an useful sterilizer and disclosing agents to maintain asepsis in your clinic
Incisions and suturing techniques:
Principles of incision making
Different types of flaps
Suturing techniques of soft tissue (demonstration and hands on using study models)
- Introduction and classification
- Mechanical principles
- Open extraction methods(demonstration and hands on using sheep mandibles)
- Closed extraction methods(demonstrations and hands on using sheep jaws)
- Chair positions
- Indications, Contraindications & complications
Emergencies in Extraction (discussion)
Uncontrolled Bleeding from socket
Muco-periosteal tear
Oro-antral Fistula
Displacement of tooth into sinus / spaces / aspiration
Dislocation of TMJ demonstration on fellow participants)
• Introduction to dentoalveolar surgery,
• Chronology
• Sequence of frequency of impacted teeth,
• Etiology
• Causes of impaction
• Preoperative assessment (clinical and radiographic diagnosis, treatment
• Surgical Anatomy
• Radiographic analysis
• Indications and Contraindications for removal
• Surgical techniques to be employed for all kind of impaction
• Surgical Complications of Impacted tooth and Management
Post extraction care.
Demonstration and hands on in the patients
Management of medically compromised patients.
- Drugs used of medically compromised patients.
- Anticoagulant therapy.
- Cardiac diseases.
- Hypertension.
- Diabetes mellitus or insipidus
- Syncope
- Anaphylaxis
- Adrenal crisis
- Epilepsy
Other minor surgical procedures(discussion)
- Apicectomy
- Hemisection
- Space Infections (complete management including treatment and drugs),
- Incision and drainage (IND
- Frenectomy
- Alveoplasty
- Oro-antral communication
- Crown lengthening
- Platelet rich fibrin & its application
- Regeneration procedures
- Osseous wall defects
- Socket preservation
- Cystic cavity
- Cosmetic & facial reconstructive procedure
- Sinus lift procedure
- Furcation defects
Preclinical exercises in goat or pig jaw
- Suturing techniques
- Flaps
- Open extractions
Clinical exercises
Simple extractions
Open extractions of root sumps
Impactions (minimum two patients)